What is a Wildlife Tree Monitor?
A WiTS Monitor observes nest trees to document
wildlife usage and any threats to the nest tree, such as logging /
cutting, land development or land sales. Findings are reported to
The monitor observes a nest tree at least 3
times during the critical nesting periods:
egg incubation (suggested period for eagles -
mid-late March, April),
egg hatching (suggested period for eagles - late April to early
July) and
fledging (suggested period for eagles - mid-late July, early
WiTS provides Monitors with monitoring
guidelines. During incubation, the females can be extremely quiet
and a nest which appears empty might be quite active! So, if the
nest tree doesn't appear to be active, monitors may have to wait up
to an hour! Repeated visits may be required to determine if the
nest is indeed inactive/vacant.
Monitors may start observing the nest tree as
early as October and continue into August, if desired, and if the
landowner supports this number of visits. Arrangements for visiting
nest trees should be discussed on an individual basis between the
monitor and the landowner(s).
Learn more about
wildlife trees, including:
Document Downloads
Click here to access a number of documents that
will be of interest to wildlife tree Monitors.
Become a Wildlife Tree Monitor
If you would like to become a Wildlife Tree
Monitor, please complete and submit the
online application form.
Your application will be reviewed as soon as
For Further Information
Send your questions about the Wildlife Tree
Stewardship Program to
Kerri-Lynne Wilson,
Program Coordinator.