Wildlife Tree Stewardship Program Home

Wildlife Trees

Species description, sounds, nesting habits & moreOnline Atlas

Wildlife Tree Atlas

The Wildlife Tree Atlas is an online database of known wildlife trees on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. It is currently being extended to the South Okanagan.  The Atlas shows wildlife tree locations, observations, and productivity.

The Atlas is interactive allowing Wildlife Tree Stewards, select naturalists, select local governments and agencies, and select researchers to place and receive information directly online.

The Atlas is hosted on the web-based Community Mapping Network at www.shim.bc.ca

To view the atlas Autodesk's MapGuide© Viewer product (a free download) must be installed on your computer:

  1. click here to download Autodesk MapGuide© Viewer,

  2. click here to access the Wildlife Tree Atlas.





images and information © 2012 Wildlife Tree Stewardship Program